Professor Sylvanus J S Cookey, the 2nd Vice-Chancellor of the University of Port Harcourt, is one of the founding fathers of the University. He is also one of the great benefactors to the University. Prof. Cookey is a historian but he has endowed a Chair at the University to promote teaching and research in Malaria and Phytomedicine.
- define molecular epidemiology of malaria specie in the Niger Delta
- to evaluate the molecular resistance markers of anti-malarias particularly Artemisinin Combine Therapies (ACTs) in Port Harcourt and Niger Delta
Prof. A. Ajienka , the Vice Chancellor of University of Port Harcourt congratulatingProf. Sylvanus J S Cookey on the endowment of the Malaria Chair
Prof S J S Cookey was celebrated and honored by the University community on the World Malaria Day, 25th April, 2014, as he had just clocked 80 years old.. His personal achievements were outlined and his contribution to academia and other spheres of life were also outlined for friends and well wishers to celebrate.