
Our community outreach programmes have been carried out in various communities including Isiokpo, Rumuomoi and Rumuosi communities. Our goal was to create awareness on the prevention and treatment of malaria and on
the maintenance of a clean and healthy environment.

In the communities visited, we were well received with large turnout of women and children, pregnant mothers as well as fathers. Some of our activities included distribution of free LLINs, MP test, workshops.
In the course of our malaria outreach programmes, we have also partnered with Student Organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and Community Development Committees (CDCs).

Our preliminary studies on the Case Management of Malaria using Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Tests on 403 subjects (UPTH – 274; Rumuosi – 129), revealed that the total percentage of positive cases were 19% for UPTH samples and
42.6% for Rumuosi community. This indicated that there were more malaria positive cases in the semi-rural community of Rumuosi than in the University Teaching Hospital. This supports the fact that there is need for increased availability of Malaria Control and Prevention tools e.g. Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets, Indoor Residual Spraying and Malaria awareness programs in semi-rural and rural communities.

Malaria School Clubs were introduced in Rumu-Apara Secondary School and Premier College, Olobo in Rivers State.
Malaria Media enlightenment program Health talks on malaria prevention and control measures on UNIPORT
FM and Rhythm FM.
World Malaria Day (WMD) yearly event, commemorated on the 25th April, every year is set to recognize
global efforts to control malaria. The day was established to provide “education and understanding of malaria” and spread information on “the year-long intensified implementation of national malaria-control strategies, including
community-based activities for malaria prevention and treatment in endemic areas.

The Centre, CMRAP, has successfully celebrated the WMD in the University of Port Harcourt since 2011. Events marking WMD in the University were: student rallies, malaria parasite (MP) tests, distribution of Insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) and anti-malarial drugs and seminars on the progress in combating and controlling malaria.
CMRAP does not fail to celebration the WMD every year.

The CMRAP has had dedicated and long standing partnership with the Rivers State Ministry of Health’s Malaria Control Programme. In the past several years, we have attended partners meetings and have been part of the planning and celebration of the Rivers State World Malaria Day.