Authors Guidelines


General Instructions: Our journal considers all manuscripts on the premise that they are original empirical data that have not been published anywhere earlier, submitted only to JMP. They must not be under consideration for publication or in press elsewhere.
Types of Manuscriptsaccepted: JMP publishes Research Articles, Short Notes/Communications and Reviews.
Research Articles: New, significant, innovative and original findings are suitable as Research Articles (tables, figures and references). This type of paper should not exceed 25 pages of text (including references), font size 12 of Times New Roman and should not contain more than 8 figures/tables.
Short Notes/Communications: They should contain new, urgent and complete small investigations that would be of interest to readers of the Journal. An explanatory statement is required for urgent publication.
Short communications should be 2 to 4 printed pages (about 6 to 12 manuscript pages) in length.
Review papers: These papers will not have empirical data acquired by the authors but will include discussion of papers published and data acquired in a specific area. We advise a length of 5000-6000 words, (including 50-130 references plus 3-5 figures and/or tables (if required).
Note: Manuscripts should be double line-spaced in Microsoft Word, using Times New Roman font at 12 points. Preparing your manuscript
Ensure that the manuscripts fall within the scope of the journal before submission. All submissions must be written in good English. Manuscripts should be prepared in double-line spacing of not more than 25 pages.
The Manuscript Format is as Follows:
Title: At the top left hand, the title page should start with the journal name (Journal of Malaria and Phytomedicine) followed by type of manuscript (Research, Review Article, Short Communication and Note, etc). This should be followed by the title, name(s) of the author(s) and affiliations and mailing address, an asterisk (*) should be added to the right of the corresponding author’s name. When there are two or more authors and they belong to more than one affiliation, his or her affiliation should be indicated by superscripts 1, 2, 3 … placed after each author’s name and before each affiliation.
Abstract: The abstract should contain no more than 300 words including the sub-headings and keywords. It is should be structured as follows: Introduction, Methodology, Results, Conclusion and Key Words. Key
Words should be 3 – 6 words, separated by commas and presented in alphabetical order. Please avoid repeating words from title as key words. Please make sure names of genres are in italics whereas others are in normal font. For example; et al., in vivo, in vitro, Plasmodium falciparum, etc. should be in italics.
Introduction: Keep the introduction short. The basic principles of research, background, earlier work, justification and the purpose of the present studies should be described in the introduction.
Materials and Methods: A clear description or specific original reference is required for all biological, analytical and statistical procedures. All modifications of procedures must be explained. Appropriate statistical methods should be used and stated clearly.
Results: The results should be presented in the form of tables or figures when applicable. Sufficient data, all with evidence of statistical analysis, should be presented so that the reader can interpret the results of the
Discussions and Conclusions: The discussion should interpret the results clearly and not repeat the results already stated. It should be concise in terms of biological mechanisms and significance and also should
integrate the research findings with the body of previously published literature to provide the reader with a broad base on which to accept or reject the hypotheses tested. Extensive discussion of relevant literature is
within bounds. Explain how the results relate to previous findings, either in support, contradiction, or simply as added data. Highlight the significant/unique findings of the research under conclusion, and give
some Recommendations. Authors should prepare their manuscript in Microsoft Word and upload the manuscripts using the fewest file possible to facilitate the review and editing processes. Only one figure, table, or chart should appear on one page of an A4-sized paper (both portrait and landscape paper orientations can be used). Arabic numbers should be used for all compound numbers, figures and tables (e.g. Fig. 1 and Table 1). Put all figures and tables in ascending order. Label X-axis and Y-axis of figures. All figures legends should be clearly explained. Each column must have a heading (e.g., Item, Ingredient, Trait, Fatty acid).
Disclosure of conflict of interest Authors should disclose all financial/relevant interest that may have influenced the study.
Acknowledgement: Acknowledgement section may be included if the author wants to acknowledge the funding agency or any other person (s) as deemed necessary.
In Summary: Research Papers and Short Notes should follow the structure of Abstract, Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements, Competing Interests, Authors’ Contributions, Consent (where applicable), Ethical approval (where applicable), and References plus figures and/or tables).
Submission: Manuscripts should be submitted online as an email attachment to The Editor, Journal of
M a l a r i a a n d P h y t o m e d i c i n e ( J M P ) m a i l : j m p s u b m i t p a p e r @ u n i p o r t . e d u . n g     o r Postal submission will only be accepted in electronic format. After submission, a manuscript number will be communicated to the corresponding author within one week. For
submission related problems or all other correspondence, please contact the editorial office at or
References: The Vancouver style of referencing should be used throughout. In the text body of the manuscript, a number is assigned to each reference used. References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they were first mentioned using the superscript3 numbering and Arabic numerals. If you are citing more than one source at the same point, the numbering should be done this way 1-3 or 3, 4. Published articles and not abstracts should be cited whenever possible; if the work was originally described in an abstract, the author(s) should use a literature search to determine if the work has been published as a peer-reviewed article. The author’s own unpublished work should be listed in the text as “(Unpublished data)”. Personal communications and unpublished data must not be included in the references list. To be listed in the references list, papers must be published or accepted for publication (in press). In the references list, references are listed in numerical order at the end of the write-up. Start with the author(s)’ last name(s), followed by the title and the year of publication. As with text citations, 2 or more publications by the same author or set of authors in the same year shall be differentiated by adding lower-case letters after the date. All authors’ names must appear in the references list. Journals shall be abbreviated according to international standard format. Inclusive volumes, page numbers and editions
must be provided.
Format of References List Journal Articles: Okoko II, Osinubi AA, Olabiyi OO, Kusemiju TO, Noronha CC and Okanlawon AO. Antiovulatory and antiimplantation potential of the methanolic extract of seeds of Abrusprecatorius in the rat. EndocrPract. 2010; 16 (4):554-60.
Books: Clarke N. Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle. 6th Rev. Edn.Natl.Acad. Press, Washington, D.C; 1989. pp: 90-110. A Chapter in a Book: Leach J. Impacts of Dreissenapolymorpha on Water Quality
and Fish Spawning Reefs of Western Lake Erie. In: Zebra Mussels: Biology, Impacts and Control. Nalepa, T. and D. Schloesser (Eds.). Ann Arbor, MI: Lewis Publishers, 1993. p: 381-397. A Report:Makarewicz, J.C., T. Lewis and P. Bertram, 1995. Epilimnetic phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass and species composition in Lake Michigan, 1983-1992 U.S. EPA Great Lakes National Program, Chicago, IL.EPA 905-R-95-009. Conference/Proceedings: Muhammad, B.F. and R. Kwali, 2005. Prospects and constraints to small scale yoghurt production in Bauchi Metropolis. Proceeding of the 10th
Annual Conference of the Animal Science Association of Nigeria. University of Ado-Ekiti, Sep. 12-15, pp: 234-236.
Publication Charges: To cover publication costs, Journal of Malaria and Phytomedicine charges a fee of N15, 000 for each accepted manuscript. International Submissions would be $50. This includes peerreviewing,
editing, publishing, maintaining and archiving, and allows immediate access to the full text versions of the research articles. Additional fee is charged for publication of materials in colour. Journal of Malaria and Phytomedicine is fully committed to providing free access to all articles as soon as they are published. All payments should be made payable to: Centre for Malaria Research and Phytomedicine Fidelity
Bank Plc. Acc No: 5210030763. Other details are available on our website:

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